Oh Boy (2012)

Watching, how the German cinematography is growing up fascinates me.(Few next sentences you can easily skip;) Why? Because when I was in the beginning of my teenage I thought, that Germans are filming a). super cool and famous porn b). TV series about a good guys, who catch criminals (with dogs or with a clown masks on their faces). Later I became familiar with a super boring dramas and not funny comedies. Than, when my teen stupidity gone with the wind, I opened for myself a beautiful world of an mute and super old-school German cinematography.
But for the last 10-15 years (or maybe more) German cinematography grew up (and still growing!) from a week (pardon) and boring to strong and great!
For example my last big impression is 'Oh Boy' film, made by Jan Ole Gerster.

'Oh Boy' is a must-see film if you're in your mid 20's or in the end of your 20's or you just miss that time, when you have been in that age. Niko, the main character, is a young man, who's a bit confused and he's on that stage, when you have to choose what you actually what to do in your life, but you can't. Because you're bored, lazy and at the same time - exhausted.

I really like, that the film is made in black and white. It definitely makes you feel more and listen more to dialogues, pay attention to details and of course it makes some very unique atmosphere. You're trying to guess the time period, but after 5 minutes you find out, that it doesn't really matters.

Strange how a film about personal crisis, made in bw, has such a good humor and  shows so truly life situations.

'Oh boy' isn't full of tear-making scenes or music on a background, but somehow this film makes some emotions grow inside and it's also touching.

Good frames, nice cast and screenplay.

Here's one of my favorite frames. Disorder and MDMA. Somehow chaos is sooo attractive;)

Be careful: 'Oh Boy' causes a huge desire of having a cigarette and a huge cup of coffee. And I had one. Cup;)

Recommend to watch on a weekend's evening. Good film.

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