Waitress (2007)

There's a little category of films, which are smart and funny, picture looks delicious and after film ends, you feel totally satisfied, like after good meal, good stroll, good hang out with your friends. 'Waitress' had to become my big inspiration for pie-baking. Trailer was good for me and I was keeping this film in my very own reserve for a cold winter evening. However one beautiful and sunny day I decided to watch it and I understood that sometimes I'm more satisfied only from the idea that the film should be good. And 'Waitress' is from that kind of films, when trailer is much more better..

Few words about main characters.
So we have:

1. Beautiful waitress Jenna, who lives in a small town and makes awesome and very unusual pies, she's ambitious and unhappy in marriage. Jenna tries to make a very important choice in her life and wants to take a part in Pie Contest.

Our number 2 is Jenna's husband. Total idiot, douchebag and a super jealous ass. Believe me, you will hate him for 100%.

And here are number 3 and 4. Jenna's friends, also waitresses. The blond one is a small basket of wisdom and men really love her, and the redhead one - miserably trying to find love of her life, or at least go on a date. Besides, that tiny girl in glasses is Adrienne Shelly, the director of 'Waitress'.

Cafe owner - number 5. Misterious old man, cynical, with a good humor. Has warm parental feelings to Jenna.

And, of course like in every fairy tale, our number 6: charming, sincere doctor. Loves Jenna's pies. Married.

Looks good, isn't it?:)
I really thought, that 'Waitress' is a one-time film, sweet, light and inspiring. To be true, for me - it's not. In the end I had a question: what's the point? What I should think about it? What this whole story demonstrates me?
My impressions from the film I can describe like this: waiter brings you a glass of wine. It's a good wine, but with... fly in it.
'Waitress' hides after a very classy independent films methods (colors and style, filming and dialogues). It's a good try with a good start, but with strange atmosphere, cliches and this Adrienne work is almost totally pointless.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I expected something really different, but this film worth watching if you really don't have any alternative, you're tired, it's Friday evening and you don't want to concentrate on a film too much.

I'm open for discussions!;)

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