Nebraska (2013)

I have never been to the US, but if I could choose where to travel there, it would be definitely not only NYC or SF. Films have always been my little windows on the beautiful fields and infinite roads of the US. Old-school road cafes, cars exactly from the middle of 60's or 70's and so many different people, colorful places, myriads of stories... I adore all those tricky titles (seriously guys, who were the one, that first said 'Albuquerque'?!:), all those things that I will never ever understand, but somehow I do like them a lot.
Oh, yes...'Nebraska'. This film is warm and really one of those forgotten kind, simple and good films.

'Nebraska' is about an old man, who suddenly realized, that he's a million dollars winner. His son, full of skepticism (oh yes, the winner ticket looked one of that cheap devices to get more magazine subscribers etc.) and after long talks with his stubborn dad, helps him to get to the place of 'awarding' - Lincoln, Nebraska.  
During their trip, they will understand the true value of support, family and simple human relations.
And will they still get money or not - you have to figure out by yourself:)

It's a good film for the weekend evening. It's very light, with some good humor and sometimes even a bit touching scenes.
Please note carefully the play of 84-years old June Squibb (the mother). She deserve's 100% attention and of course Bruce Dern, who's 77-years old, deserves respect and applause as well.
People at their age inspire me to be more active and more productive at my age.

Black & white picture gives to 'Nebraska' a very warm atmosphere. And of course, the accents are different, as they would be in color.

'Nebraska' is a nice story, that can teach something. Or at least show some forgotten values or feelings, that we have to remind ourselves. Immediately.

I recommend to watch it, with some special mood, on a weekend.

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