Steven King once said, that "monsters are real and ghosts are real too, they live inside us and sometimes they win".
Dogtooth - is a terrifying drama about three young people, two sisters and one brother, who live in the isolated, from the whole white world, place.
Their father leaves home only by a car. And youth is waiting to be finally able to see what's outside the high wooden wall... but to leave the place they have to loose their dogteeth. In a natural way.
Sadism, desperation, experiments on people, unexpected frames full of violence..On the other hand - gorgeous landscapes, pretty actors, very touching moments.
I've never been familiar to the Greek cinematography, but after the "Dogtooth" I definitely want to discover more of Greek films. Great job of director - Giorgos Lanthimos, great work of the whole film making team.
The "Dogtooth" is highly recommend to watch, this is my one of the most impressive films this year.
Must see.
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