"The Best Offer" (La Migliore Offerta), directed by Giuseppe Tornatore, is about Virgil Oldman - collector, art auctioneer, aesthete, real pedant and professional. He's cold, imperturbable, attentive. One day, Virgil received a call from a strange woman, who has agoraphobia and afraid to show herself..
The Best Offer is a big metamorphosis of a man with a "stale" heart and unchanging habits. It's a story about genuine and fake, and, of course, something more...
I just adore Geoffrey Rush, his calm, very masculine face with a big nose, neat smile and his very conceived look. Rush is perfect in every film and, definitely this man is very attractive, but I cannot say in which way or what actually makes him like this.
First half of "The Best Offer" is very dynamic and keeps you in high tension. Sometimes scenes are so fascinating, that you literally afraid to miss some details and you even don't wan't to spoil even small film frame on blinking.
The middle of the film is much more slower, but still keeps you in tension. Have to say, that I don't like Sylvia Hoeks as Clair. When you see her for the first time - you believe her and this story only makes you start guessing how everything will be. But after few scenes - I realized, that Clair can't have such empty eyes.. And there's a smell of a fake in the air...
But, when, in the end, all answers are found, all secrets are open and you sit in shock - there's understanding that this is what you've been searching for so long - your own masterpiece, own exhibit for collection.
"The Best Offer" is a "must see" film. Definitely one of the best films in year!
Great music by Ennio Morricone, very nice views from many of European cities, fantastic decorations and cool colors make the atmosphere.
And..don't forget: there's something genuine in every fake.
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