For Once Again: Liebster Blog Award

Right now I'm still on my winter holidays, having a good time, making photos, drinking good wine and just feeling good:)
Meanwhile, my dear readers, I was nominated by beautiful Aneesa from Fearless 'n' Fabulous on Liebster Blog Award for the second time! 
So, let me remind you what each nominee has to do:

1. List 11 random facts about themselves.
2. Answer the 11 questions provided by the blogger who nominated them (mine you can find here)
3. Choose 11 more nominees (who must have 200 followers or less) and ask them 11 questions

                                                                         11 Random Facts

1. I raised with 3 brothers, so for me it was totally ok to watch some films with Jackie Chan, for instance. Or to collect some cards. What a shame!
2. For me there's nothing more beautiful and terrifying than outer space.  
3. I don't like musical films. Right now on TV there's some old-school musical, and it's so annoying that I'm only proving my point.
4. Sometimes my jokes are cynical and  dark, and I feel that sometimes I really do need some inner filter for a stuff like that:)
5. I'm 180 cm tall (5'11'') and I still wear heels sometimes. 
6. I have a very bright imagination. 
7. I cannot ride a bicycle. Again - what a shame!
8. I would like to have my own little bakery, with homemade pies. And cheesecakes. 
9. I'm a massive Adventure Time fan. My cat name's Finn. Says a lot:)) From cartoons my last great discover is - Bob's Burgers. 
10. In style I prefer smart casual. I adore classical British and French style, it's very and very inspiring for me.
11. One day I would love to learn how to fly a plane. 

11 Questions

1. What's the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you? I'm happy to read a full-on story!
Well, this is an incredibly hard question:) Nothing comes on my mind to be true.. And I don't know it's because I never had a weird story in my life or I do have a lot of weird stuff, but I perceive it like a decent ones;)

2. Describe your strangest dream and your reaction to it. If you aren't a night dreamer, feel free to switch this to daydream.
 Oh...One more hard question:) I dream a lot, I'm double dreamer:) I have a few nightmares, which I remember very clearly. To be true the most interesting dreams for me is that dreams in which I can control everything. Very exiting!

3. Chocolate or crisps? (This says a lot about a person to me- there's no correct answer of course.)
I'm a chocolate person. No crisps on a planet? Don't care. No chocolate? Can't be true! I cannot even accept this! No.No.;)

4. What's the most interesting thing you have ever eaten?
The weirdest thing I've ever eaten - brain (zombie detected!), the most interesting...mmm...I'm discovering new and new cuisine all the time, but I clearly remember that moment when I tried sushi, falafel, octopus and Chinese duck. But I don't think this is the most interesting:)

5. What do you personally believe to be the meaning of life?
Be a good person, try to do something spectacularly great, upgrade yourself, be open, be wise, be polite, be happy, be in love, be thankful, be an awesome specialist in your field..Respect people around you and respect yourself. Discover the world. Think wide. 

6. Which 5 books have inspired you most and how? If you are more of a film/theater person, feel free to switch books for these instead.
Very hard to give a normal response. I read a lot and I watch tons of films, so I really have a huge, but unprepared list of  books-films-tracks-pictures which inspired me:)

7. What is one of the most interesting things that has happened in your life? (This could be positive or negative.)
Rope-jumping. This what came first to my mind:)

8. What do you do to relieve stress?
I have few methods:) Have a hot bath, take a deep breath, listen to favorite music, watch, read or eat something, have a loooong walk, talk to bf. If I have a huge stress - glass of wine and a cigarette. Shame.

9. If you could have one Super Power, what would it be and why?
Teleportation and flying. And would be cool to have an ability to freeze time.

10. What are three of your life aims?
Peace on a planet, win a lottery and to have a bakery:))))

11.What are your three favorite emotions and why?
I love to feel exited, peaceful and satisfied!

My 11 Questions

1. What costume you'll wear on a New Year celebration?
2. Name 3 things which you cannot live without. 
3. Coffee or tea?
4. What is your dream place for living?
5. Name your favorite dessert. 
6. Describe your best way of weekend spending. 
7. What inspires you the most?
8. Describe your blog in 5 words.
9.What is your favorite part of wardrobe? 
10. Name your favorite book/film/TV series character.
11. Name your favorite TV show/series.

My 11 Nominees

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