Into The Mind (2013)

Sometimes it's really hard to write even a short review on some film. You have to be objective, be very and very attentive, do not spoil and still try to describe your own impression with some very personal feelings.
Today I think my review will be short, but also - the hardest. 
I've seen an absolutely masterpiece. A film so magical and beautiful, that I have never-ever thought, that a sports film might be so awesome.
I'm telling about 'Into The Mind'.

I don't like winter and winter sports at all. I don't find cold attractive. I tried to ski only once and I never even tried snowboarding, and even if I live only 2 hours ride from the mountains, it doesn't mean anything for me. Why I'm telling you this?! Because 'Into The Mind' is about things I don't like and don't even care: snow, skiing, boarding, cold, cold, cold.

How masterful should a documentary about skiing and snowboarding should be, to make a person like me sit in a total silence, eyes wide open, with a fear of blinking and at the same time - enjoying soundtrack that fits for 100%?!
Even when I was preparing animated gifs for this post - I was totally charmed again and again with every single frame.

'Into The Mind' is about fearless people, about risks and power. Power of a man, power of nature, power of  the element.

I have never seen a movie, filmed in such unusual, unique and beautiful way. The directors (Eric Crosland, Dave Mossop) and co-directors (JP Auclair, Leo Hoorn, Renan Öztürk) have an incredibly  keen aesthetic sense.

And all this guys skiing and snowboarding...I have no words to say how stunning it is! Oh wow!

A huge plus for the 'Into the Mind' is that you don't have to know language to watch it. There's only a few sentences in English and the rest of the film - only picture and music (once more: the soundtrack is p e r f e c t).

IMDB raiting is ridiculously, ridiculously low and based on the opinion only from a bit more than 100 people. This is so funny and such a huge absurd!
Check out an official teaser of the 'Into The Mind' here.

Beautiful, fascinating and gorgeous film!
Highly recommend for everyone!
Also, if you already have seen it, I would like to know your opinion!


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