And here's another one perfect film for the Winter season.
I watched 'Rare Birds' one cold evening. It was outside the city, in suburbs and it was one of those Autumn days with warm afternoons and very cold evenings. 'Rare Birds' was made for times like these, when you're alone, it's an Autumn/Winter time and it's not that easy to find good-old film, with an easy, but smart, script, lovely characters and, of course, good humor.
And with William Hurt in the main role!
Dave (William Hurt) own a really good restaurant in the middle of nowhere. He's a good cook, he's got a good taste in wine, but unfortunately, because of location, no one visits his place. And it makes Dave start thinking about closing and selling it...
It would be a sad story if there wouldn't be Alphonse, Dave's best friend. Alphonse is a very extraordinary one. First of all - he hides mysterious 'lamps' in his basement, and somehow those lamps are super secret. Second of all - he almost finished building a submarine, which is pretty cool. Also, Alphonse is a master in making Dave's life much more interesting.
Alphonse wants to rescue Dave's restaurant and invents a great plan: they should call to a radio station and tell that they've seen very (very!) rare bird (rare duck, actually). And after that one innocent call the whole story, the fate of restaurant changes. And who knows where it will bring the main heroes...
Well, in some moments 'Rare Birds' (almost wrote 'Rare Ducks':) is about food and cooking. And guess who is going to cook a duck soonish;)
William looks very nice in this role, I have to say. Wouldn't be surprising to me if someone would tell, that he actually loves to cook in a real life.
The humor in the film is good, light as beaten cream, smart and really fits. I truly miss that kind of joking in the modern films, I think the humor in cinematography is slowly dying.
'Rare Birds' teaches us that no matter how crazy your best friend can be...
...if he's got plan 'B' and even plan 'C' (because there's have to be plan 'C'!) then no matter how desperate you are. All would be better, then you expect.
And there's always a chance to find love.
And even when all adventures are over - there will be always that one with some new crazy awesome plans for you.
Highly recommend watching.
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